Busboys Store
1970 Greyhound Bus

Brake Parts

Brake cams, rollers, slack adjusters, new and used for sale

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bus brake summary

Call Stan, 612-369-1366 to order parts.

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Brake Cam

Brake Cam
GM 2032431

Brake Bushing
GM Part# 2396539
GM Group# 4.04
Fits: SDH SDM 4502 4518 4519 5302 5303 5304 New Look. Also fits, 4501 4516 4517 5301 5302 Old Look.

Brake Chamber

Brake Chamber KN36300 Brake Chamber KN36300
Brake Chamber
GM 2025840, Group 4.15
Fits: New Looks, 5303, 4502, 5302, 4518, 4519, 5304, 50H SDM, Fishbowls.

Many other chambers are available.

Brake Diaphragm

Thermoid 7-388

Brake Diaphragm - Thermoid 7-388

Brake Roller

Brake Rollers

Brake Shoes

vintage bus brake shoes

Brake Shoes

Slack Adjuster

Slack Adjuster KN44051
Bendix Slack Adjuster 278323

Bendix Slack Adjuster 278323

Bendix Slack Adjuster Bendix Slack Adjuster

Haldex Slack Adjuster 10068

Bendix Slack Adjuster Bendix Slack Adjuster

Haldex Slack Adjuster 10066
Bendix Slack Adjuster Bendix Slack Adjuster

Midland Slack Adjuster
Bendix Slack Adjuster

Bendix Slack Adjuster 280121
Bendix Slack Adjuster

Haldex Slack Adjuster 10073
Bendix Slack Adjuster

Haldex Slack Adjuster 10073
Bendix Slack Adjuster Bendix Slack Adjuster

Bendix Slack Adjuster 279302

14 buses small slide show